So that I might share with you what I learned at the conference and what I continue to learn now, here are some highlights from Walter Brueggemann's keynote address on the Liturgy of Departure I'd like to invite you to read and reflect on the following question: "What does this mean for me? My neighborhood?"
Pharoah’s economy (and by the way, Herod’s way is just a
re-performance of Pharoah’s economy) is an economy of “Totalism”. Pharoah’s economy is, “Make bricks. Make more bricks. Make bricks without straw. Make more bricks. Do not take a break. Keep working.
Keep producing. Keep making
bricks. These bricks will benefit
Pharoah and the building of Pharoah’s reign.”
Totalism is defined by scarcity, anxiety accumulation, monopoly, and
violence. Pharoah’s law for the
predatory economy is “be more productive.”
Those who are not more productive do not get resources. It is coercive productivity.
narrative of Totalism always leads to violence toward people who do not submit.
Pharoah is so anxious about losing his status, belongings,
and authority that he chooses to kill his own work force, Hebrew baby
The Bible is the narrative of departure from Pharoah's economy of Totalism.
to the narrative of Totalism #1- Fearing
God: Two midwives, we even know
their names, Shiprah & Puah, in the face of Totalism, they choose another way. They choose to birth babies even though
Pharoah’s decry is death. The midwives
feared God. They did not accept the
narrative of Totalism.
Interruption to the narrative of Totalism #2- Ferocious
Confrontation against Totalism:
Moses angrily kills the Egyptian slave driver.
to the narrative of Totalism #3- The
people brought their suffering and pain to speech. They grieved a life that was not right.
Interuption to the narrative of Totalism #4- The emancipatory God of the Bible heard
and responded. God does not
appear until chapter 3 but when God does, we learn that those who confront
Totalism are allied to God. God’s
preferential option for the poor is evident.
Human agents who run the risk of thinking, asking, and trusting outside
the narrative of Totalism are God’s chosen ones.
When God’s people left Egypt, they arrived at Sinai (10
commandments). These were 10 rules for
neighborliness. “Do not make God into a
usable object. Do not make your neighbor
into a commodity.”
The story of the Exodus from Pharoah’s Totalism economy - What does
this mean for us?
· Walter
Brueggemann: “Our society has a deep
hatred for poor people because they do not produce enough bricks to justify
their existence.
· The
church is generously repeating Pharoah’s predatory reading and not highlighting
the generous neighborhood texts. (ex. Deut)
Why have we kept the Deuteronomical vision of a generous neighborhood
hidden in our society?
· The work
of the church in departing from the narrative of Totalism includes:
pain to speech. Help the local community
grieve the arraignment of power that is not acceptable. Pain brought to speech brings energy. Not bringing pain to speech=violence.
Ask yourselves the question, How do I/we
participate in the narrative of Totalism?
Explore the ways in which there is meaning and
human possibility outside of the narrative of Totalism.
Even the best of us are children of the
narrative of Totalism. We carry along in
our bodies the burden of this tug of war between the dominant narrative from
which we were born and what we know is of God.
Encouragement, Affirming the
other, Acknowledging God’s work. The
power of blessing is outside the narrative of Totalism.
The vocation of our common life is the endless
capacity to depart from the narrative of Totalism.
How do we speak about sustenance of life outside
of the narrative of Pharoah? If you use
Pharoah’s language and structure to describe, you’ll be co-opted back into
Totalism. So, the Bible uses imaginative
images to describe hope and possibility.
The words we use reinforce our structures. What language do you use to reinforce a
narrative of Departure from Totalism?
Create liturgies of departure into an
alternative world. This can take place
in a number of ways: routine, worship, the ordering of life, the work of the
Ask yourself, “What are the ways of performing
the narrative of departure that we haven’t thought of?”
What are the ways in which Totalism seduces us
and keeps us from the narrative of Departure?
Your work is the negotiation between two
societies- Totalism and Departure/Neighborllness. One of these societies has been made plainly
visible in the church and society and one has been kept hidden.Why have we kept
the neighborly economy texts (Numbers, Deut, Lev.) hidden in the church and
society? Read Deuteronomy 23-24 to refresh
your memory on some of the neighborliness texts.
Articulate with utter clarity what the vision of
God is, the radical vision. Then and
only then we can/will do the hard work to get there. Name the future and show where it exists in
the present.
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