Our Daily Rhythm
Wake up
Mill about in the kitchen getting breakfast
Bring Breakfast to the table
Pray together (For three years, we've been using Common Prayer, but we've also used The Divine Hours and other resources.)
Catch each other up with the day's plans and send the boys off to school
Begin the work of the day (together or individually)
Midday Prayers- at noon, your phone alarm goes off. Pause and pray using the Common Prayer liturgy. If you're in the same location as other Community Members, pray together.
Supper at 5:30pm (most days)
Hang Out/ Veg Out
I've noticed, recently, that there are some additional, more subtle, parts to our daily rhythm. They include:
The city bus visits every 15 minutes, neighbors knock at the door, passersby wave hello, the phone rings, the dog barks, the walnuts fall to the ground, the clothing dryer beeps, circle birds dance in the sky before they make their night's home in the chimney.
The rhythm of our day brings meaning and clarity. It forms us, shaping the way we hear, touch, smell, taste, and see the world.

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