You can only go so far on a day when there's ice on the ground.

Each person got to pick their preferred mug. I wrote down each kids' name and the mug they picked so that they would use it throughout the day. We endured 6 hours of the following: sled- warm up- throw ice balls (not much snow)- warm up- work a puzzle- argue- drink hot chocolate- run around in the ice- warm up- watch a movie-argue- slide on ice outside- walk to a neighbor's house-argue on the way there- warm up- drink more hot chocolate. repeat.
Last night, the school system phone call alerted us to another day out of school today. Sum total of straight out of school days= 3. Sum total of children running around our house= 10. I hope no one's expected an email or phone call from us. I hope no one hopes to meet us anywhere or see us in anything other than long johns and toboggans. On days like this, it is easy to stay within our one mile- physically. It is hard, though, to be creative with our time, to find things to do that will entertain and also not cause the great winter's argument of 2015. If anyone can think of some ideas that do not result in mess, arguments, and parents going crazy, no need to submit your suggestions. Instead, please come on by and lead the pack.
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